As we roll into the roaring 20’s like a thunderous clan of horny chipmunks, I thought it prudent to take a look back at some of the wonderful music that was released during the last decade. In compiling this list of my favorite albums from the last ten years, I was amazed at how quickly time has moved forward. You don’t really realize how long ten years is until you take a few moments to reflect during an endeavor like this. I can’t believe some of these albums are so old. In many cases, it feels like just yesterday that I heard these songs. Before you read on, you must realize that this is not a list of what I feel are the best albums of the last decade. This is simply a list of the albums that had the most impact for me on a personal level. They are my favorite albums of the last ten years. If nothing else, I hope you read this eclectic list and give a listen to something new. At the end of the day, I am passionate about music and want to share it with as many people as I can. I am sure I left something out, but that is life. So…here goes:
10. Behemoth- The Satanist (2014)

9. Symphony X- Iconoclast (2011)

8. Mastodon- Emperor of Sand (2017)

7. Opeth- In Cauda Venenum (2019)

6. Kid Rock- Born Free (2010)

5. Dead Sara- Dead Sara (2012)

4. Everygrey- The Storm Within (2016)

3. Will Hoge- Never Give In (2013)

2. Deftones- Diamond Eyes (2010)

1. Gojira- Magma (2016)